December 31, 2015 4:09 pm
Published by communitymanager
As a lactation consultant, it is not my goal to sell you on breastfeeding. My mission is to make sure you feel supported and cared for with whatever feeding method you choose. I want you to meet your personal goal, whatever that might be.
July 6, 2015 8:51 pm
Published by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Since every breastfeeding mother's milk supply is different, finding the "right" time to pump means finding the time when YOU feel most full. From taking advantage of baby's longer naps to keeping your pump ready to go at all times, we'll show you what you need to know to make pumping a regular part of your routine each day.
July 6, 2015 8:49 pm
Published by Linda Hanna-Sperber, MSN/Ed., IBCLC
Whether returning to work or simply leaving baby for a short time, most breastfeeding moms will want to pump and save their breast milk. But how do you store and serve this "liquid gold?" We've got the information you need to keep your precious breast milk fresh and ready for baby.